Conceptual Modeling is expiring
The module 93130 Conceptual Modeling is expiring. Most degree programs that had Conceptual Modeling as a compulsory module have already switched to the successor modules: 93108 Einführung in Datenbanken / Introduction to databases (7.5 ECTS) or 93078 Einführung in Datenbanken für Wirtschaftsinformatik / Introduction to databases in business information systems (5 ECTS).
If the old module 93130 Conceptual Modeling still has to be taken in your degree program according to your examination regulations, you can still register for the exam 31301 Conceptual Modeling. The exam will probably take place for the very last time in the winter semester 25/26.
You can find information on preparing for the old exam in this StudOn course:
If you are not sure which module you have to take, it is best to ask your examination office.