And the Best Demo Award goes to….

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The demo on ReProVide: Query Optimisation and Near-Data Processing on Reconfigurable SoCs for Big Data Analysis has won the Best Demo Award at the BTW conference 2025 in Bamberg. Tobias Hahn presented the demo to an interested audience.

The 21st. conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology and Web (BTW) took place from March 3rd to March 7th in Bamberg. The BTW conference is the most important database conference in the German-speaking area.

Tobias Hahn at the demo presentation

The photo shows three men on stage. On the left we see two organizers of the demo session, and on the right is Prof. Meyer-Wegener. He has just received the Best Demo Award from the organizers and is proudly holding it up to the camera. In the background there is a floor display with the BTW25 conference logo.
Prof. Meyer-Wegener (right) receiving the Best Demo Award on behalf of the ReProVide project.